It’s not you… it’s me…

What's your excuse?

Today I decided to break up with my accountant. We’ve been together since 2003 and we’ve had a great relationship, but I’ve decided that it’s time to go it alone and register for self assessment at long last and take charge of my annual tax return.

Why, you may ask?

Well – I blame it on Patricia Van Den Akker and her amazing business club challenges over at The Design Trust. Last year I took part in the ‘get your online shop ready for Christmas‘ challenge and it was amazing – hard work, but so amazing.

So when I got an email recently with the challenge to file my tax return by the 6th August, how could I refuse!

The Design Trust 15-day Challenge – exclusive for our Business Club members: Do your tax return this Summer, with Dean Shepherd of Tax by Design, starts: 22 July

I took part in an online webinar on Wednesday evening this week with Dean Shepherd from Tax By Design and signed up for the challenge there and then.

The webinar focused on registering for self assessment, gave fabulous bookkeeping tips and also information on how to file your tax return online – my eyes popped as I found out how simple the process actually is!

I slapped my forehead so many times with the ‘why didn’t I think of that!’ when he was dishing out tips and advice and all this gave me the confidence to make the decision to go it alone.

So today I had to write to my amazing accountant and tell him that my circumstances have changed, it’s time to move on and by no means is that a reflection on the service he’s provided over the years as he’s been brilliant, I just want to sit in the drivers seat from now on.

How about you? Do you do your own tax return or do you use an accountant? I’d love to hear your experiences – please comment below and share your stories…